Friday, November 29, 2019

Origin Of Species Essays - Charles Darwin, Biological Evolution

Origin Of Species Considered one of the most significant, influential, and controversial publications in history, this book, I felt would be interesting to read and learn from. Although his content in this particular book is the subject of much controversy, Darwin's proffesional contributions and accomplishments will remain well known and respected. Therefore, I selected The Origin of Species believing that it would prove to be a stimulating and challenging reading experience. This famous book discusses in-depth many important aspects of the study of life. Darwin analyzes various issues including: creation, spontaneous generation, adaptaion, laws of organism variation, hybridism, and natural selection, all integral subjects in the science of biology. As I read this book, the magnitude of its importance became clear, and I learned a wealth of scientific information from the text that includes: geological succesion, morphology, and species variation. The convincing arguments and coherent evidence inherent in this great work induced subject retention and serious consideration of the topics that were comprehensively discussed. The theme of the nature of life (most importantly that of man) in The Origin of Species is still a subject of tremendous and continuing debate. Also, this important topic is related to a variety of current science events such as environentally concious efforts across the globe, the philosophy and science of "the survival of the fittest," and the popular studies of creation and evolution. I feel that this book is important to read because it is a publication which brilliantly discusses interesting and significant information, is often reffered to in scientific conversation and study, and defines perhaps the greatest debate of the Western World. Charles Darwin's engaging and pioneering analysis of flora and fauna calls into question the long-held and once widely accepted concepts of divine creation, spontaneous generation, and the unrelatedness of many species. Displaying original reasoning, he distinctly and defiantly challenges many ancient beliefs and makes an argument for Natural Selection: survival and evolution of species in response to environmental conditions and other circumstances through a process in which those creatures and plants with stronger, more-enduring characteristics live to produce more adaptable offspring. It was Darwin's research aboard the H.M.S. Beagle that led to the clash of intellectual titans-religion and science-over the true nature of humankind. This book presents the controversial and intriguing work of Charles Darwin that long ago changed/redefined the scientific view of our World.

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